If you have not heard about DiomCoop here we are presenting it to you.
As part of a wide effort from the City of Barcelona and together with mutliple social entities, responsible and social economy organizations, this project aims to help immigrants to achieve a better personal and professional success. We´re proud to collaborate with this project as there´s a high impact in fashion.
From the street to DiomCoop, there is a great initiative.
Fifteen men and women from the Sub-Sahara region have been supported to leave the streets and create and launch a new fashion brand of handcrafted clothes and accessories called DiamBaar.
The African aesthetic are strongly present in DiomCoop’s, together with a contemporary touch.
And here is where RESET PRIORITY comes in. As you may know our Summer Collection 2018 is dedicated to Tanzania. This paradise place has been source of inspiration for us and we´re happy to share it with DiomCoop too.
We showcased some of our SS18 collection pieces during the Barcelona catwalk organized on May 24th at the Museum Frederic Marés at 19,30h.
Join us celebrating this great cultural exchange with an African touch.
List of the participating associations: ·Municipal instances: Barcelona Activa, Segona tinència d’alcaldia, Comisionat d’economia social i solidària, OPAI; Servei
de convivència i espai públic del Besòs; Taula de consellers de districte; Àrea de serveis a les persones de Sant Martí, etc.
Social entities: ECAS, Espai Immigrant, Creu Roja, CASC; ACRS; Sindicat Popular de Venedors Ambulants; Fundació IRES; Assoc. Bayt al-Thaqafa; Assoc. Ibn Batuta; Irdia; Nou Barris Acull; Xarxa d’Acollida de Barcelona; FIT; Taula del Tercer Sector; Fundació Ared; Apropemnos; SOS Racisme; Fundació Ficat; Cepaim; Col.lectiu Volta; Càritas; Fagic; UPC; Jamgo; Metromuster; Sinèrgics; Can Batlló; Fundació Secretariado Gitano; Casal de barri Besòs; Cel obert; EICA,etc.
Responsible and social economy organizations: Fiare, Coop57, Cel Obert, l’Apòstrof, Grup Ecos, Xarxa d’Economia Solidària, Colectiu Ronda.
Others: Secretaria d’Immigració de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Ajuntament de Salt.